If you don't know why, I really don't think there's much hope for our friendship.
Also, I have been following this blogger on another page, and just discovered that she has this blog as well. She is, if you'll forgive the expression, hella talented. I don't really get her a lot of the time, but I am fascinated by the small painted windows into her mind that she drops into her posts.
I mentioned elsewhere online, and many times to innocent bystanders aloud, that I have a serious thing for the writings of Neil Gaiman, and incidentally also for his website*. Turns out he was on NPR, and I missed it. Luckily, there does appear to be a God, and this interview has been safely catalogued on the internet for our listening pleasure. And such a pleasure it was. Please listen here.
On the topic of awesome websites, Ok Go has a pretty great one as well. I recommend it. I have taken the liberty of linking you to their "videos" page, which, horrifyingly, is missing my original favorite Ok Go video ever*: The Ping Pong Instructional video. I have located it elsewhere:
On an entirely different note, I have been listening to more country music radio than usual lately. Here in my lovely city we are blessed with two whole country music stations, which provides a lot of commercial-avoidance opportunities. (When this fails, I also flip through the alternative stations, the indie station, and the Christmas music station. If those all fail me, there's always NPR. As a last resort, cds, or silence.) I have begun to mentally compile a "this is my dream for my life" song list. So far it mostly includes a song entitled "Redneck Yacht Club." Don't judge me.
You can look it up if you want, but I am choosing not to inflict Craig Morgan's obnoxious head-bobble on you against your will.
The other song, less firmly decided, is Sugarland's latest song, "Stuck Like Glue." This one I'm not linking you to because the official video is one of those that doesn't follow the actual message of the song. Look it up if you like. Just so you know, if you are one of those who isn't a fan of the genre, Sugarland tends to be less annoyingly country than many other bands.
*I've linked you to the "Cool Stuff & Things" page, which is the coolest page in my opinion. I feel that I should point out that it will show you different cool stuff and things each time that you click it.
**I say "original favorite" because my favorite changes with pretty much every successive Ok Go video release. I can't help it.
First, a video on one man's hopeful view of the future of local transportation:
(Trust me--it's really cool.)
Second, a video shared with me by my friend John. I have never heard of this artist and his style isn't usually my thing, but I pretty much love this song:
Lastly, here's that picture of Stephen Colbert. I just feel like it needs to be here in the flesh.
Someone posted a picture of Stephen Colbert as a young man, and I have fallen inexplicably in love with it. Every time I go to the tab to close it, I decide that I just need to keep it open a little bit longer. That smile is just so infectious! I might need a poster or something. See for yourself!
First, Letters of Note. This blog is definitely worth your time. The moderator posts, as promised, letters of note--first a scan of the original document(s), and then a typed transcription. Today I read an exchange between Abraham Lincoln and an eleven year old girl who told him that he should grow a beard in order to improve his chances in the presidential election. There was another letter, another time, written to Brian Wilson (of the Beach Boys) by his father.
This next one is an article from the Christian Science Monitor on the views of Republicans and the views of Democrats. I haven't read through it yet; I clicked to it, read the first few, and had to move on to something else. It looks worthwhile, though.
Kiva is a program that provides microfinancing to deserving people in developing economies. Click for a summary of their philosophy and mission.
I want this. So badly. Apparently we owned the set when I was younger, and my mother is of the opinion that nothing tops the Lionel Jeffries version of Winnie The Pooh. I have looked everywhere, and this is the cheapest version I have found. This is driving me crazy.