I had these tabs open and didn't want to close them OR post, apparently.
Do you live in Richmond, Va? Do you like excellent deals?
A small literary journal. I find them amusing.
One of my favorite movies is an independent film called "Expiration Date." This is a video on the director's website. I'd give you more information, but I haven't gotten around to watching the whole thing yet.
And this is today's, or yesterday's if you want to be really technical. A website that will take your design and print it on fabric for you.
Also, here's an article on misleading headlines, with regards to a recent set of articles on formula/early introduction of solids vs. exclusive breastfeeding. Rather interesting for the investigation of blatant and deliberate misinformation in headlines, even if you aren't interested in infant and maternal health.
Lastly, I've been meaning to listen to this NPR interview with Billie Joe Armstrong for days, and it needs to be off my desktop for reals.