A most excellent blog about momming which I saw linked...somewhere. Possibly the Heather Cushman-Dowdee facebook page?
I don't want to come across as, and more importantly, don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, but I do have some trouble swallowing some of the things that come out of the mouths of medical practitioners. And then, look! An article by a doctor on how doctors sometimes get misinformation from biased or outdated studies! Well imagine that. I will say that I find the article title rather obnoxious and off-putting, but please give it a chance.*
There is a website that sells tomato-scented things! Like cologne! And room spray! And bodywash! How could I ever have doubted that life was worth living? (They have tomato-seed scent, as well. I think I might have died and gone to heaven sometime this afternoon. I want this one too. Apples and geraniums? Yes, please.
This video makes a good point. These stories have all** been "Disneyfied" to remove such offensive themes as murder-by-rape and suicide and heartbreak and all that, and mostly that's okay with me. You can't really remove a lot of this stuff, though, without removing the story from the story. So:
Disclaimer: I love Disney. Also, sarcasm. But I'm not being sarcastic about loving Disney.
*I... haven't finished reading it. I keep getting sidetracked. Thus far, though, it's good.
**I am referring, of course, to the Disney princess canon.
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