Sunday, November 14, 2010

I've not been online much lately

I've been house and dog sitting for one of my aunts this weekend, and I haven't gotten online at her house. I have instead been listening to NPR and fending off her enormous dog, Augie, as I drink tea or kahlua and read coffee table books in the evening on her antique sofa.

I did want to post these songs though the other day, as evidenced by the text message I sent to my email address from the Wal-Mart parking lot: "Michael Buble; Layla. leaves: gold became brilliant red, orange, deep maroon, dancing and flying"

Only the first two are directly related to music, of course, but I have this thing about the fall leaves. On to business: I love Michael Buble a little bit, and though I don't love watching this video, I must say that I am impressed by his talent at portraying prominent figures in pop culture.

On an almost completely different tack, here's Clapton singing "Layla," but not the original. I am extremely partial to the slower, acoustic version. This isn't the version I've got on my itunes, but it'll do.

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